Friday, February 12, 2010

Apple Compote - Dutch style

Clean apples, core, peel skin (this is the most work by far, I do this while watching tv at night).
when you are doing this dunk the ones you finished in a big bucket with cold water and a little asorbic acid to keep the apples from turning brown (not nessecary though, purely cosmetic)

cut apples in quarters, then half those, then half again for big apples

put in stainless steel thick bottom pot with a little water (or apple cider), just enough so it does not stick / burn

let simmer until apples are mushy
mash by hand with a potato masher (do not use a stick blender, that makes apple sauce)

put hot in hot, sterilized quart jars, cap with sterilized seals
process in hot water / steam bath for 20 minutes

no sugar, no spices, just apple
you can add a little cinnamon, or a bit of allspice if you want

to make the apple compote special you can add one or two cans of crushed pineapple (rinsed and drained) depending on the amount you are making.

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