Friday, April 16, 2010

Apple Pound Cake

1 1/2 cups canola oil
2 cups cane sugar
3 eggs
3 cups whole wheat flower
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp vanilla extract

3-5 large apples, cut into small pieces
1 cup nuts, like walnuts or pecans (optional)

Combine oil, sugar and eggs and beat until smooth, about 3 minutes.

Add flour, salt, soda and vanilla and beat until smooth.

Gently fold in apples and pecans. If the batter is too stiff use the kitchenaid with a dough hook, otherwise the apple pieces will be mushed.

Bake in greased bunt pan at 325 degrees for 1 hour and 25 minutes.

Remove cake from pan, turn it upside down and let cool.
You can substitute the apple with pear very nicely.

Prepare sauce.

1 stick vegetable butter
2 tsp goat or soy milk
1/2 cup light brown sugar

Cook all ingredients for about 15 minutes or when the sugar is dissolved. Pour on cake.

Excerpt from