Monday, April 19, 2010

Stretching the fence

Here Michael, Avec and Rolf are working on stretching the braided wire fencing. The wire fencing gets sandwiched in between a 2x4" and metal plate, bolted down well, which in turn is looped to a winch / come-along which is connected to the hitch of the truck. First the wire fencing is looped around the further most corner post, the end wires looped back to the fencing and the loop is stapled.

Several people lift the fencing upright, making sure it does not catch anywhere. One person ratchets the come-along while the other people keep an eye on the fence and help it along where necessary. When the wire is taught, there is quite some force on the cables and whatever you tied it to, the fencing gets stapled to all the wood fence posts and extra well stapled to the end posts before the winch is unhooked. And that's all ;-)

The first two stretches we did with experienced help from sort of neighbor Michael, the other two we did ourselves with help from Avec. Here Rolf has tied the come-along to the bottom of a tree in the wood's edge, the other stretch we used the one foundation post of the goat house which is already in (the others still need to be placed).

And all this for these guys :-)