Friday, April 16, 2010

What goats want...

I thought it informative to write down a short list of things Jamie likes to eat. Anyone seen the mower episode of Shaun the Sheep?! Seems like we're growing one of those :-)

The first couple weeks all he wanted was milk. That's good, that comes nicely contained in bottles.

Week three he started to nibble. Like Simon did when teething, putting everything in his mouth to taste and feel texture - also no harm done... sort off - Rolf did not appreciate the texture exploration of the unfinished wood train table corners!

Week four he started to eat paper. Paper bags, newspapers, magazines - anything that rips nicely will do. He graduated to our woodstove wood, munching on the bark and the punk wood bits (seem to me like woody marshmallow bits) - then on to stove ashes. No idea why ashes, maybe he had bad indigestion or something... he's not eating the goat bix I got, though.

Week five he started to eat string, shoelaces, rope - like spagetti, and I've got to pull it back out in case his tummy gets into trouble! But no hay, won't touch the stuff. He will eat the leaves of my Japanese dwarf maple! And we found him in the middle of the bonfire pit - after our bonfire adventure - munching ashes and coal.

He's getting a little heavy to lift in and out of the goat enclosure in the sunroom, and he's starting to enjoy being with the other goat boys, so in a week or so he'll stay with them overnight. He still gets a bottle at 10pm, when that's done with he can move out. yay!

Oh, he knows the sound of the microwave equals milk! He gets real agitated when I nuke milk for Simon's naptime, searching everywhere for his bottles, he heard the peep so there should be milk around somewhere!