Wednesday, May 26, 2010

the 3rd annual Tin Can Rally

Here's our little camper (14? feet long?) parked conveniently close to some trees. This way, you can't see the bad roofing tar job the previous owner did on the window sills and roof line! Unfortunately, the trees did not block the shade from the back roof during naptime so the top bunk bed was too hot, but Simon did not seem to have issues sleeping in the bottom bunk during daytime as long as we blocked it off visually. I'm thinking of installing a small curtain rail at the bottom of the bunk bed frame for next time's trip... I've got a feeling these "small improvements" will never stop - I was already contemplating a different curtain fabric as well :-)

A peek into the bed/kitchen and kitchen area where you can really see how the color jumps out! Even though it might not be strictly period correct, it did get quite a couple of positive remarks and had tons of pictures taken of the inside. People seemed surprised by the contrasting doors/cabinet colors, and we did seem to be the only camper painted like that!

I did dress up the kitchen a little bit, some vintage melmac tea cups on the counter, a nice color coordinated enamel water cooker on the range, but not nearly enough for what turned out to be the going dress standard! We'll have to do some yard sales this summer to be ready for next year's rally!

I thought this an interesting picture... father and son playing with a modern cell phone in a 1958 metzendorf camper! It sure looks like a "beam me up, Scotty" devise from Star Trek when seen from way back when...

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