Thursday, November 18, 2010

no-knead bread recipe update

There are various recipes for no-knead bread available and I started with the one published in a mother earth article last year or so. But, the bread was pretty dense, tasted a lot like sour dough, and did not really rise very well. I tweaked the recipe and came up with a slightly different but just as easy a version that does rise well, has a good crust and nice air pockets throughout - and still needs no kneading :-)

5 cups all purpose (or white) flour
1.5 cup whole wheat flour
3 cups lukewarm whey (or water)
2 teaspoons of herbed salt
2 teaspoons of granulated yeast soaked in warm water with
1 teaspoon sugar

soak the yeast in a little warm water, whisk well
add teaspoon of sugar for food
add flour and salt to bowl
use dough hook, add whey and yeast
knead until ball forms and dough does not stick to sides
leave in bowl, cover with damp towel for about 1-2 hours
remove from bowl, split in two (with floured hands) and pat into bread pans

the two major differences are:
presoak the yeast, and do not refrigerate the dough.

I like to make one long cut in the middle, it makes for a nice split top. A little flour on top looks good as well. It also does real nice as a pizza crust.

And how do I know it's a good tweak? Cause my hubbie told me this morning not to buy the Heidelberg bread anymore, he definitely preferred this new version...

Same with my small herbed chevres... I gave one to a good friend of mine and she told me later she still could not believe I actually made it myself, and she sure was not sharing with her roommates! This from a person who grows carrots and sweet potatoes as big as baseball bats!

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