Friday, January 21, 2011

goat potato chips...

thinking about other free goat munchies; at some point I read an article about feeding goats dry fall leaves during winter, tried it out this fall and yes, they do eat them like we do potato chips :)

A couple things I learned, they LOVE apple tree leaves, but pitted fruit trees like cherry (wild and cultivated) and peaches are poisonous. As are Rhodondendron, Mountain Laurel and Yew. Do a google search for a complete listing...

When leaves are abundant the goats are probably not that interested in what you offer since it is available everywhere; it's when it's all gone 'in the wild' when a handful each day with their hay will be greatly appreciated. Don't throw it on the ground; eating of the floor is unsanitary anyway, but even yummy leaves on ground tend to be ignored.

I only save leaves in paper bags and when 'collecting' filled bags only save the ones for the animals that are completely dry (at least a couple days no rain) and are light weight, without extra moisture. Wet leaves will start composting, and the molds would make the goats sick, not happy.

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