Thursday, March 31, 2011

Working Goats

After finding that picture on the web at I knew for sure, this is the year I'm gonna try to train one of our goats to pull! We have that same green metal garden cart, and man, is it a chore on my joints getting it back uphill (even tho it's empty most of the time)... Hopefully we'll have a buck, or two to choose from from our first group of goat kids and I can start training from scratch. It'll be a while before I'll have help pulling the cart; definitely not this year, maybe next - but I am already looking forward to having help moving the chicken manure, goat manure, wood and weeds :)

A few weeks and Thirteen our first doe to deliver is scheduled to kid! Michael my goat guru invited me to watch the birth of his first kids of the season; his Nubian doe delivered two kids, a boy and a girl, very graciously and without any help even tho the first one was breeched.

A lot of training and equipment information an be found on the Working Goats website. They also sell harnesses, but with the help of friend Eileen we sewed one ourselves which seems to fit fine (have not pulled with it yet). Later I'll upload some pics with measurements etc for other sewing enthusiasts.

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