Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Greenhouse progress

It's getting there!
The plastic sheeting roof is on, the wall is painted, the windows are in, the doors are hung - and we even started on the inside furniture.

Here my dear hubbie is working on the seedling table, It's fairly tall - and we're tall people already - but I wanted to store empty planters under it and have room for a row of black 55 gallon drums for heat retention. It's actually nice having a tall bench for weeding, tho lifting a full 5 gallon waterer is a little much. Guess I'll need to get another garden hose & sprayer :)

Right now I'm working on leveling the pathway, which has a 6 inch hemlock runner on both sides. I'll recycle whatever gravel is still hiding in our woods and pave the pathway with my treasured stack of collected bricks. Some have neat inscriptions on them and some I even moved all the way from Pittsburgh! Really!

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