Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our new baby goats!

These two are Monica's new girls, born Friday the 6th at around 1030am while Simon and I were mowing the lawn :) We'd checked at 1015am, noticed Monica looked heavy and did not get up to look at us over the door, but no contractions and her water had not yet broken... less than half an hour later, both girls were born and the placenta was on it's way! Man, human births are not like that!!!

Trying to stand under mommy's watchful eye. The little beige headed kid is called "bunny" the other one has no name as of yet.

My kid checking out Monica's kids. He was very impressed by her post delivery cleaning skills, and told daddy later in a surprised voice: "momma goat licking baby goats!" Hey, as long as he does not expect me to clean him the same way LOL

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