Tuesday, December 4, 2012

finishing the back pasture

 It took two years, but finally the back pasture is done! The end of August we added the two gates and hinges and now the goats have free access to the woodsy pasture out back. The first couple days we could not see them back there but within a week the bottom shrubby vegetation was consumed and it opened up the view. With nice weather the girls like to hang out there and munch leaves (they like dry leaves, not wet ones, apparently) but not for too much longer - when winter really starts I'll close it off to prevent them from moving up to tree bark. Too many nice big trees back there!

Greni is not allowed back there, I used a one foot long piece of PVC pipe and a chain fed thru it to partially keep open the back fence of the main pasture. That way the goats can sneak in and out but Greni is locked out. This way the girls have a horse free area as especially at first Greni LOVED to chase them around, just like my four year old human! But also Icelandics are known for eating trees and that will not go over well with my hubbie... this whole back pasture idea already was way over his comfort zone! For some reason he enjoys trees more than happy goats, the weird guy :)

Greni "helped" us with both gates and loved to watch drilling holes in the fence posts, sticking his nose right up to the drill (also just like the four year old...). When we started to pack up he took a nice roll around - a job well done!

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