Friday, December 7, 2012

take a hike with friends

 Before Greni came over to live with us I went around to my neighbors to ask for permission to ride & hike on the land surrounding our property. Especially the land on the other side of the road, a dairy farm with 200 acres, held a lot of possibilities. Fortunately the owners retired and closed down the farm, but unfortunately it's now for sale. I have permission, for now, and I figured I would, most of our neighbors hike and walk their dogs there. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed the new owners are as nice and sharing as them... we've been in that position before, could hike the 30 acre lot right next to us for years, then I get a kid and really want to start using it, the land gets a new owner who's paranoid and won't let any neighbor anywhere near... Now I really appreciate all the other neighbors who are so nice and share and love to see their land enjoyed by others! Thank you!
Here my Dutch friend Erik is helping picking up sticks (a never ending task) and his fiancee Lesley-Anne is riding Greni. Lesley-Anne is an advanced dressage rider and she helped me deal with a couple of Greni's tricks (like crossing the open field).

The "farmer woods" already had paths, both narrow hiking paths and off road access for trucks & tractors. But the paths had not been maintained for years, and Greni and I are taller and wider than a hiker with a dog, so it took a bit to get the paths back into shape. Mostly a matter of removing downed wood (but what a lot of it!) and an occasional eye poking branch. I think I rediscovered most of the trails and now can ride a nice figure eight thru two pastures and some woods with a few jumps, four creek crossings, a few moderate ascents and descents (good for back muscle development) and a couple straight hard stretches for a nice canter. It has been great! And so much nicer than having to ride in a small arena in our own pasture - how boring would that be...
Even if I wanted to I could not remove most of the fallen over logs & trees. Some we walk over, it's a natural cavaletti and good back stretcher, and some I incorporated into small jumps.
Greni sure is a handsome man! Or would that be the wonderful light...

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