Friday, December 7, 2012

We have a buck!

And his name is Jamie... yes, he's the little kid all grown up which I blogged about two years ago, the one wearing a diaper and watching TV with my two year old! And boy, is he grown up... all hormone and no girls at home!

He came on my birthday early October and apparently two of the girls were in heat and he pretty much went bonkers, peeing all over everything, jumping the gates to get to them at night (I was still milking and thus separating the mom's) - generally being a typical teenage boy, haha. He got to worrying the girls so much that one evening when I came down to feed the herd was in their side stall, Greni was in his main stall and Jamie was at the door, outside... Greni had separated Jamie from the herd and was blocking him from going thru the main stall to the girls! He was giving them a rest! After that Jamie was a lot less intense. Thank goodness!

I'm hoping to get a nice girl from him next season and plan to keep her as a replacement milker, probably to upgrade Monica (eats more for less milk).

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