Thursday, August 8, 2013

Soap Resources

Mountain Rose Herbs
Large selection of organic and non organic oils, butters, herbs etc.

Tropical Traditions
Has bulk regular and organic high quality coconut oil, keep an eye out for their free shipping and other sales.

Essential Wholesale
Has bulk regular and organic oils, nice materials but not that good customer service. Also sells cosmetic bases if you don't want to cook your own.

Nice soap website with neat molds, melt and pour soap bases, fragrances and nice containers.

Lye Depot
Agway does not sell lye anymore, but I did find a great source for food grade lye on the internet.

Of course Regional Access for locally made and processed oils & honeys.

Milky Way Molds
Great selection of pvc soap molds; many, many to choose from.

Majestic Mountain Sage
Good recourse for materials, recipes and hosts the MMS Lye Calculator.

Miller's Homemade Soap Pages is full of technical know-how and recipes.

A good resource for recipes, ideas and tips.

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