Monday, October 12, 2015

Making charcoal with open fire

We made charcoal on the bonfire last night! What a neat project to do while drinking small mead (yes, I made that, and it was great!) and eating many different kinds of pie...

The procedure, as shown by Bedwyr:
- poke a small hole (~ 1/8th, or a nail) through paint can lid
- fill a new paint can tightly with (dry) wood.
- add lid and put on tightly
- place paint can on embers near the fire
(not too hot, not too cold)

- after a bit smoke will come out (1-2hours)
that's the from water of the wood evaporating

- then a blue flame will come out (30m-1h)
those are the combustibles burning off

when the flame gets real small, pay attention:
- because when the flame goes out, remove can from fire

- and immediate stick small piece of wood through hole in lid

this is to prevent air from coming into paint can, while the can is cooling down
When the paint can is cool to the touch, open lid, and enjoy your newly made charcoal!

You'll find the wood has shrunk to about 2/3rd of it's original size, but still looks identical to how it went in, knots and everything!

I've been told Grapevines make artist grade charcoal sticks, I think there'll be a bonfire in our near future I'm gonna check that out  

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