Haven't been here for a while... it feels like forever!
Summer always is our busy season, lots of gardening, selling photography and new this year: making soaps. It's getting a little less hectic recently, so I'll try to back up and add some things that happened the past couple months over the next couple posts :)
One of our goat kids died few weeks back from a major worm infestation we totally missed... by the time I realised something was wrong, dropped off a fecal sample at cornell and started her worm treatment it was already too late. Right after that we got an open email warning about major worm infestations because of the wet spring - we're not the only ones to loose animals this year.
On a happier note, I was able to sell two of the girls, Karamel from Thirteen and an unnamed boer from Monica, to Sarah who was Simon's toddler room teacher. She's starting her own petting zoo (and my girls sure are used to little kids by now!) to accompany her new daycare. The girls will live lives of plenty (of hugs and treats) I'm sure!

And we seem to have enquired two bunnies - two babies from Angelika's angora bunny collection. They are real friendly tho not tamed much, we're working on that! No food unless they eat some from my hand first :)

Initially they lived in the chicken ark which they outgrew pretty fast, so with some left over hemlock 2x4's and repurposed tongue and groove oak flooring I made a two apartment bunny house which works really well. The layout is something Angelika's husband Simon designed for her bunnies and I copied for mine - I really like I can raise a wire wall in the middle and separate the bunzen immediately when needed, with a house for them on either end.

And if the bunnies do go back to Angelika I can use it for brooding chickens which would be really nice instead of the sunroom!