Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Greni fra Blasted Rock

January 2011, my first visit to Blasted Rock Farm in Naples to meet Icelandics on US soil. Not much else to do in winter anyway so it was nice to take the family on a road trip and have lunch with breed ambassador Stephanie, a member of the Saint Skutla Icelandic Horse Club (and I'm pretty sure I saw a Skutla name tag on one of her stalls...). Guess who was the first to meet & greet? Greni... talk about serendipitous!

I did not realize he was the one I was contemplating leasing from Stephanie until months later when I happened to go thru some old pics. Life sure has a strange sense of humor - I was already pregnant again when a fellow artist and I were all sad together about miscarriages - and here I meet my future horse for the first time, while yearning with all my heart for the change to become a horse owner, some day :)
Here is Greni in full glory; fuzzy, hairy and covered in partially frozen snow and sleet... can life get any better for an Icelandic?!

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