Tuesday, March 12, 2013

double yolker

One chicken egg, two yolks... you should have seen Simon's face :)
Most of the time I recognize the double yolkers, they do look like two egg butts stuck together with a small 'glue' ridge around the middle. And they always make me smile too.

We finally had a winter with chicken eggs thru-out, tho we do not have much fridge space left now either as we only sell/barter with a handful of neighbors and friends (and some of them escaped to Florida!) but I plan to start up the egg stand drive thru again this year - and add my soaps as well! A milk soap drive thru...

The geese and ducks also started laying and the first six goose eggs I donated to Simon's school. They'll incubate and raise the little ones for a while, and then I get them back - how useful! I'm also collecting the khaki campbell eggs for incubation in their primary class, I'd like a few more girls as I lost two of my three last year (foxes - and hence the saying "sitting ducks" I realized).

Not that we won't be incubating ourselves, except we'll be trading our eggs for fertile eggs with friends. They have blue laced wyandottes, absolutely gorgeous birds, but not laying thru winter as they don't have a coop light. I am partial to wyandottes anyway, pretty and a good dial purpose breed, but have only had silver and gold laced versions. I look forward to new subjects to photograph this coming year!

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