Monday, April 11, 2011

baby goats - oh my goodness!

We have baby goats! Last Friday the 8th in the late morning Thirteen delivered triplet girls, all by herself as she had not given me any (for dummies) signs she was ready! The girl with beige head was chilled and off in a corner when I found them, so I gave her some extra attention and a teat to herself since they needed some help nursing the first day or so as Thirteen's teats were pretty swollen. Right now she's running on empty most of the day as they suck the milk straight out the moment it's available - good thing we have a couple extra gallons in the freezer for ourselves :)

Our toddler Simon likes to go down to the baby goats at least once a day and check them out, though he's still pretty shy and careful with handling them. Thirteen is not too fond of him, he moves unpredictably, and keeps me between him and her at all times... guess she does trust me, at least a little.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, I wish we could take a stroll on your land, see the goats and chat for a bit. Right now I am managing my "postzegel"-garden :)
