Tuesday, April 19, 2011

SPCA feral cat program

With the new goat barn and multitude of rodents I was thinking of contacting the SPCA to rehome a feral cat - they have the ads in the store at the mall. And while I was thinking about the pro's and con's someone moved in :)

For the past couple weeks a slender grey very shy cat has been prowling our perimeter and sleeping with the girls (hay stacks are sure a cat magnet, Greebo loves to sleep over in them too). I was not really planning to mess with it, but after catching it by mistake in the livetrap - someone is tunneling big time thru the shed and barn - I figured might as well have the feral cat program look him over.

So he went today and turns out it's a boy and already neutered! So most likely a dumped pet, tho for us he's been real snappy and hissy - our "pet" name has been "enge kat" (scary cat) and Simon wanted to leave him at the SPCA and take the beagle in the window back home!

Why I am posting all this? Turns out the SPCA has a program for feral cats where when you catch one and bring it in (and I presume then take it back to your barn) they'll spay/neuter and vaccinate it for free! You can contact them at 257-1822 and they operate on Tuesdays.

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