Monday, May 2, 2011

almost time for veggies...

Our basement windows have this eerie glow at night... from the seed sprouting setup in my photography studio! Two layers with four halogen lights (two fixtures) each I start my leeks mid February, cabbages etc first of March and tomatoes and peppers mid March. My tomatoes look a little forlorn this year, a little extra TLC needed looks like, but other than them everything else is growing like, well, cabbages!

Leek plants, cabbages (broccoli & head cabbage), basil and more cabbages (broccoli & brussels sprouts).

I find that using the flat lids and the high domes for sprouting, even in the closed "greenhouse" cabinet really help the seeds going. When I first start the flats I only use the flat clear lids and lower the lights pretty much right on top of them. Then when the seedlings touch the lids I raise the light fixtures and switch to the taller domed lids. A couple of weeks before they go out I remove the domed lid and slowly let them acclimate to the air in the cabinet, then move them out to our sunroom and then outside behind the house (back in sunroom at night if night frost is imminent).

Last year I did not use the domes on the tomato and pepper flats - I wanted to use larger starting pots and the lids did not fit - and mice (!) had gotten in and eaten most the young seedlings! I could not believe it...

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