Monday, May 2, 2011

Indonesian Scrambled Egg & Easy Curry

bunch of eggs (we love geese or duck eggs for this)
Sambal Oelek (chinese stores sell this)
soy sauce (thick version, also called soy paste)
pepper and salt to taste

Add table spoon of soy sauce and sambal to hot oiled skillet.
Add eggs, seasoning, let congeal.
Scoop and mix eggs and sambal/soy but keep the chunks fairly large.

This is really good in curry!

I like to make fast & easy curry with:
1 can of coconut milk
curry paste, curry seasoning or premixed curry sauce
1 can of peas
1 can of whole corn
1/2-1 can of pineapple chunks
maybe some bamboo shoots, baby corn or palm heart

from the garden and/or freezer:
chopped string beans
bellpepper pieces
collard green leaves
pak choi greens

When everything is thoroughly heated add the egg mixture.
Eat with steamed brown rice, maybe add a little kurkuma for fun!

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