Last year I used this swimming pool surround outside to house my baby ducks and geese out of the draft (worked perfectly). Earlier this spring I posted I re-used it in the sunroom to house a baby bottle goat in and when he moved to the outside pasture, the meat birds moved in :-)
Initially, my toddler used the ladder to get in and out to play with the goat - now that's off limits, of course, but I use it to hang a light from and the chicks love sitting on the rungs... very useful, indeed!
Welcome to my blog! I was born in the Netherlands and moved to the States in 1998 after a last minute wedding to my longtime companion Rolf. By way of Gainesville, FL and Pittsburgh, PA we ended up in the gorgeous Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York.
Now we have our 5 acres of paradise we're turning more self sufficient each season; by growing our own greens and meats, by reusing and freecycling (yay craigslist!) and by learning from the locals.
My blog is all about my adventures, observations and learning curves in small scale Homesteading. Toss in an active animal loving toddler and daily life is never boring!
This is a blog - what you read and see are personal thoughts, tips, projects & pictures. You are welcome to be inspired, but can not claim any responsibility on my part for your actions. And please, if you would like to use text or pictures from this blog, ask for permission first.
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